| > 4. Passing arguments
> like "httrack --wrapper
> /full/path/to/libfilename2.so,args", which is
> documented as the correct way to pass args in
> <http://www.httrack.com/html/plug.html>, doesn't work:
The full path versus-relative path depends on the operating system ; I guess
that with a correct LD_LIBRARY_PATH, it should work.
Regarding the arguments problem, yes, this is obviously a bug ; here's the
--- htscoremain.c.orig 2007-04-21 14:54:22.140808250 +0200
+++ htscoremain.c 2007-04-21 14:58:10.000000000 +0200
@@ -1248,7 +1248,17 @@
for(pos = a ; *pos != '\0' && *pos != '=' && *pos != ',' &&
*pos != ':' ; pos++);
/* httrack --wrapper callback[,foo] */
if (*pos == 0 || *pos == ',' || *pos == ':') {
- int ret = plug_wrapper(opt, argv[na + 1], argv[na + 1]);
+ int ret;
+ char *moduleName;
+ if (*pos == ',' || *pos == ':') {
+ *pos = '\0';
+ moduleName = strdupt(argv[na + 1]);
+ *pos = ','; /* foce seperator to ',' */
+ } else {
+ moduleName = strdupt(argv[na + 1]);
+ }
+ ret = plug_wrapper(opt, moduleName, argv[na + 1]);
+ freet(moduleName);
if (ret == 0) {
char BIGSTK tmp[1024 * 2];
sprintf(tmp, "option %%W : unable to plug the module %s
(returncode != 1)", a);
(fixed the the next release)
Thanks for the feedback!
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