| > If the range filters aren't working correctly then
> you could just use the workaround you originally
> thought of: one filter per number
> +*thumbnail.php*album=0*
> +*thumbnail.php*album=1*
> +*thumbnail.php*album=2*
> etc
> Tedious? Yes. Works? Yes.
True and true. And if I wanted to match strings instead of chars (e.g.,
"album=" followed by "foo", "bar", "baz" or "xyz") I couldn't have done it
with ranges anyway. (With regular expression filters I could have written
"album=(foo|ba[rz]|xyz)", but httrack has no similar syntax currently.)
Oh, how I wish for regex filters. This whole multi-hour struggling would have
been fixed by reading any "learn regex in 5 minutes" miniguide and creating a
filter like "+*thumbnail\.php.*album=[0-9].*", and since I already know regex
I could have skipped the miniguide and instead have the filter created and
functioning in 7 seconds flat. | |