| I'm having trouble getting a page that has a form from a site that requires
logging in. The login goes OK - I've captured the cookies and URL. The page
I want allows 2 files to be downloaded by form using this code:
<FORM action=http://some.place.com/index.php method="post">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="com" value="doit">
Select format:
<SELECT NAME="contractId">
<OPTION VALUE="1">getzipfile1<OPTION VALUE="2">getrarfile2
<INPUT type="image" src="pictures/pic.png">
The locally mirrored page looks OK, but what I want is to locally save the two
zip and rar files that you get when selecting the options getzipfile1 and then
getrarfile2 from the pulldown menu and then clicking on the picture pic.png.
I've added +*.php to the filter and +*.zip and +*.rar, but I don't get the
files locally. If I look at the local page, I can select the options, and
then download the files by clicking on the picture, but the files come from
the site, and I need to save them locally at the time of the mirroring (they
change regularly). Is this possible? Any suggestions? Thanks
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