| Thanks for your response. But no luck :(
My original filter is:
-ad.doubleclick.net/* -mime:application/foobar
-*.gif -*.jpg -*.png -*.tif -*.bmp
-*.zip -*.tar -*.tgz -*.gz -*.rar -*.z -*.exe
-*.mov -*.mpg -*.mpeg -*.avi -*.asf -*.mp3 -*.mp2 -*.rm -*.wav -*.vob -*.qt
-*.vid -*.ac3 -*.wma -*.wmv
When I include your suggestion of:
-*/RecruiterDirectory* +*/RecruiterDirectoryListing*
I get NO files that begin with "RecruiterDirectory"
Some more info. In the following link:
httrack dot kauler dot com/help/Filters
I found the discussion of "-*" as:
"Disallow every page and file. Very useful as the first filter, and to then
build upon with additional filters"
So I tried to write my filter as:
-* +*/RecruiterDirectoryListing*
(BTW: if that worked, it would produce exactly the files that I want. I don't
need any of the others.)
This produced nothing. So my simple mind wonders whether "-" followed by "+"
actually works. A bug? :(
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