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Subject: Re: Fixing pending issues on 3.42
Author: Xavier Roche
Date: 08/20/2008 15:36
> > 21:47:31	Error: 	link not taken because of error
> > (404 'Not Found') at
> >º—â…µª¡§
> This binary garbage problem was reported in the
> version after 3.33 IIRC.

Humm, are you still reproducing the problem with 3.43-beta-1 ? A possible
cause might be the parsing of a binary file misadvertised, but this is a bit

If you can send me the full hts-log.txt file, it might be helpful (roche at
httrack dot  com)

> Another problem, different mirror. I'm getting 14000
> files named name.html.tmp Almost all were locked.

This is normal -- these are pending downloads waiting to be validated by the
engine. Previous releases (3.3X series) were storing all these information in
memory, leading to consume large amount of ram for big mirrors.
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Subject Author Date
Re: Fixing pending issues on 3.42

08/20/2008 15:01
Re: Fixing pending issues on 3.42

08/20/2008 15:36
Re: Fixing pending issues on 3.42

08/22/2008 15:24


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