| > I can't download the files named
> "tema-23-anime.html" (the number changes). I tried
> I tried (in each version):
> +tema*anime.html -*
accept site starting with tema and reject everything = reject everything
> -* tema*anime.html
reject everything and missing plus sign = reject everything
> +*tema*anime.html -*
reject everything
> -* +tema*anime.html
reject everything and accept site starting with tema = no files match the url
> +foro-gratis.latin-foros.com/tema*anime.html -*
accept what you want and reject everything = reject everything
> -* +foro-gratis.latin-foros.com/tema*anime.html
this would work (as would -* +*/tema*anime.html) except
foro-gratis.latin-foros.com and
<http://foro-gratis.latin-foros.com/tema-23-anime.html>) do not have any links
starting with tema
> An example that I want to download:
> <http://foro-gratis.latin-foros.com/tema-23-anime.htm>
Since you don't have a starting page, try:
<http://httrack.kauler.com/help/URL_number_sequences> | |