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Subject: Re: copy only text + flash errors
Author: hghh
Date: 09/07/2008 13:48
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
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<script language=javascript>

  var aicc_sid = '';
  var aicc_url = '';

  // closeSession - handler on beforeunload BODY
  // LK 07.12.05
  // parametry: 
  // url - øetìzec specifikující komunikaèní stránku
  // sid - øetìzec specifikující session_id pro komunikaci AICC
  function closeSession() {

    //pokud nebylo ještì odesláno exitAU, odešli právì teï
	  if(exitAU!=1) {
	    sendExitAU(aicc_url, aicc_sid);

	} /*** closeSession ***/
  // sendExitAU - pošle ExitAU na komunikaèní stránku
  // LK 07.12.05
  // parametry: 
  // url - øetìzec specifikující komunikaèní stránku
  // sid - øetìzec specifikující session_id pro komunikaci AICC
  function sendExitAU(url, sid) {

      //vytvoø objekt xmlhttp
      var xmlhttp = createMSXMLActiveXObject('XmlHttp');
      //odešli ExitAU'POST', url, false);

      //pokud došlo k chybì, zobraz hlášení
      if(xmlhttp.responseText.substring(0,7)!='error=0') {
        alert('Error while trying to send ExitAU.\n\n' +
  } /*** sendExitAU ***/

  // createMSXMLActiveXObject
  // LK 27.07.04
  // Vytvoøí objekt MSXML dle nainstalované verze na klientu
  // parametry: 
  // component_name - název tøídy ActiveX z knihovny MSXML, 
  //                  jejíž instance má být vytvoøena
  function createMSXMLActiveXObject(component_name)
      var prefixes = ["MSXML2", "Microsoft", "MSXML", "MSXML3", "MSXML4",
"MSXML5", "MSXML6"];
      var obj;
      for (var i=0; i<prefixes.length; i++)
          obj = new ActiveXObject(prefixes[i] + "." + component_name);
          return obj;
        catch (ex)
      throw new Error("Could not find an installed XML parser");

  } /*** createMSXMLActiveXObject ***/

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bgcolor="#ffffff" onbeforeunload="javascript: return close_movie();"
onunload="closeSession()" onload="javascript: setparams();">
<script language='JavaScript'>
var exitAU = 0;

var InternetExplorer = navigator.appName.indexOf('Microsoft') != -1;
function close_movie(){
   if(exitAU != 1){
      return('Test musíte vždy ukonèit pomoci akce Konec v nabídce kurzu
!\n\nStisknìnì tlaèítko Storno !');
function test1_DoFSCommand(command,args){
   var test1Obj = InternetExplorer ? test1 : document.test1;
   if(command == 'exit'){
      exitAU = 1;
   if(command == 'openpicture'){
	var arg1 = "";
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	index1 = args.indexOf(",",0);
	index2 = args.indexOf(",",index1+1);
	arg1 = args.substring(0,index1);
	arg2 = args.substring(index1+1,index2);
	arg3 = args.substr(index2+1);,arg2,arg3);


function TheoryLinkPressed(){
 var test1Obj = InternetExplorer ? test1 : document.test1;

if (navigator.appName && navigator.appName.indexOf('Microsoft') != -1 &&
navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Windows') != -1 &&
navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Windows 3.1') == -1) {
   document.write('<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=VBScript\> \n');
   document.write('on error resume next \n');
   document.write('Sub test1_FSCommand(ByVal command, ByVal args)\n');
      document.write('call test1_DoFSCommand(command, args)\n');
   document.write('end sub\n');
   document.write('</SCRIPT\> \n');
function setparams(){
   var par =;
   par = par.substr(1,par.length-1);
   par = par.split('&');
   for(var i=0; i< par.length;i++){	  
      j = par[i].indexOf('=');
      if(j > 0)
        if (par[i].substr(0,j).toLowerCase()=='aicc_url') {
          aicc_url = par[i].substr(j+1);
        if (par[i].substr(0,j).toLowerCase()=='aicc_sid') {
          aicc_sid = par[i].substr(j+1);

	window.frame1.document.write('<script language="JavaScript">\n');
	window.frame1.document.write('function TheoryLinkPressed(){\n');

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<EMBED name="test1" src="test1.swf" 
  quality="high" menu="false" swLiveConnect="true" bgcolor=#ffffff width=790
<iframe id='frame1' name='frame1' width=0 height=0

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Subject Author Date
copy only text + flash errors

05/29/2008 17:26
Re: copy only text + flash errors

05/29/2008 17:57
Re: copy only text + flash errors

05/29/2008 18:03
Re: copy only text + flash errors

05/30/2008 05:23
Re: copy only text + flash errors

09/07/2008 13:48


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