| > <http://webdata.soc.hawaii.edu/fredr/welcome.htm>
> When i go here:
> <http://webdata.soc.hawaii.edu/fredr/autobio.htm>
> and try to go to any of the links, it shoots me to
> the actual URL rather than a local copy of the HTML
> page (which it doesn't download anyway).
What httrack doesn't download it leaves as an external url.
Set options -> Build -> No external pages to pop a warning page.
> I took a look at the source file for autobio.htm and
> all the links are absolute rather than relative.
If it didn't download the page then a link must be absolute.
> But shouldn't HTTrack follow the link anyway?Tried 3.43 with options ->
spider -> no robots.txt
and had no problems | |