| > I've tried checking and unchecking the option to get
> non-HTML files, and set the limit to non-HTML files
> to 0. I've even tried setting the scan rules to
> "-*.[file extension]*"
> But, still the program downloads .zip, .rar, and
> .mov, and other large files that I do not want. How
> do I fix this?
checking non-html allows additional files such as off-site images. So that
you don't want checked.
[file extension] is not valid (see <http://httrack.com/html/fcguide.html>)
Since html files come in many flavors (.htm, .asp, .cgi etc)
you need to filter on the mime type. Per
<http://httrack.kauler.com/help/Filters#Filters7> you need
-mime:*/* +mime:text/html | |