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Subject: Re: Site only partially downloaded
Author: William Roeder
Date: 11/14/2008 21:25
> I don't understand why I am missing certain pages.

The entire menu bar is all javascript.  Here's the "Tell a Friend" entry
< td id="cmsMenuBar_x..." class="cmsMenu_up cmsMenu_up_cmsMenuBar_xehd..."
onMouseOver="cmsMenuObject.highlightSub( 'cmsMenuBar_xeh...', '2')"
onMouseOut="cmsMenuObject.clearMenu( 'cmsMenuBar_xehd...', null, 0.5)"
style="cursor: pointer" onClick="cmsMenuObject.clickGo(
'/action/tell/?_adctlid=v%7Cxef...', '_top'); return false;" nowrap>Tell a

There is no href there, only an onClick. That makes it a Form and httrack
doesn't click on forms.
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Site only partially downloaded

11/14/2008 20:41
Re: Site only partially downloaded

11/14/2008 21:25
Re: Site only partially downloaded

11/15/2008 18:34
Re: Site only partially downloaded

11/15/2008 20:15


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