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Subject: Re: Remove top index.html
Author: William Roeder
Date: 11/19/2008 17:24
>  |--- index.html (1)
>  |--- site_folder/
>       |--- index.html (2)
I recently explained the folder arrangement here:

>  I just would like to see the index.html (2) instead
> of index.html (1) when I surf the web. 
You aren't surfing the web, so open whatever link you want.

Index.html (0) is a menu of all the different mirrors in the base path.  If
you have only one mirror it auto-transfers to index.html (1).

If you have only one url in the mirror, index.html (1) should auto-transfer to
index.html (2) Multiple urls you get a menu. Index.html (2) could be in
site_folder/, site_folder/html,  site/apps/cgi, web, or web/html depending on
the structure setting.

>  Is there any option to use with the command httrack
> for not generating the index.html (1)?no

>  For now I solved this using a hack:
>  # rm index.html (1)
>  # ln -s site_folder/index.html .
Why do you need to anything?
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Subject Author Date
Remove top index.html

11/19/2008 12:02
Re: Remove top index.html

11/19/2008 17:24


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