| > The FAQ has a question about the '*-2.html' files
> created during the mirror.
> I'm not using any custom build options, just the
> defaults.
> Is there any way to turn off the creation of these
> files?
This is in fact a protection against collisions - for
can both exist at the same time on Unix systems, but
NOT on windows systems, as files are case insensitive.
In this case, these two files will be saved
as 'index.html' and 'index-2.html'
You may also have (this is the most common case)
but the engine can not 'know' that these files are
identical (the default / file could be default.html or
default.php or gnzypw.gif)
Therefore, the engine may have to rename some files,
into <name>-2.html, and there isn't any realy trick to
avoid that. If you have multiple files with query
strings, the engine will automatically generate a
pseudo-random string added to the end of the name, but
in your case this is impossible.
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