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Subject: Re: User and Password being ignored
Author: Ullrich
Date: 12/11/2008 23:49
I think I found the imprtant note in the hts-log file:

23:46:09	Info: 	Note: due to
remote robots.txt rules, links begining with these path will be forbidden:
/administrator/, /cache/, /components/, /editor/, /help/, /images/,
/includes/, /language/, /mambots/, /media/, /modules/, /templates/,
/installation/ (see in the options to disable this)

23:46:09	Info: 	engine: transfer-status: link updated:>postfile:N:\Meine%20Webseiten\Xtc\hts-post0
-> N:/Meine Webseiten/xtc1/

23:46:09	Info: 	Note: due to remote robots.txt rules,
links begining with these path will be forbidden: /administrator/, /cache/,
/components/, /editor/, /help/, /images/, /includes/, /language/, /mambots/,
/media/, /modules/, /templates/, /installation/ (see in the options to disable

I which options can I make these changes and what do I have to change?
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Subject Author Date
Re: User and Password being ignored

12/11/2008 23:40
Re: User and Password being ignored

12/11/2008 23:49


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