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Subject: unresolved external symbol
Author: brianthegood
Date: 12/26/2008 01:36
Almost there! If I edit out the call to httrackengine_loop in the
httrackengine_init routine, the build goes through. 
I also had to edit out the call to PlaySound.

Otherwise I get unresolved symbols

WinHTTrack error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl
httrackengine_loop(struct httrackp *,struct lien_back
*,int,int,int,int,int,struct hts_stat_struct *)"
referenced in function "void __cdecl httrackengine_init(struct
t_hts_callbackarg *)" (?httrackengine_init@@YAXPAUt_hts_callbackarg@@@Z)

WinHTTrack error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__PlaySoundA@12
referenced in function "void __cdecl httrackengine_uninit(struct
t_hts_callbackarg *)" (?httrackengine_uninit@@YAXPAUt_hts_callbackarg@@@Z)

How do I get around this issue?? I'm using Visual Studio .NET 2003 and the
code is 3.43-2

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unresolved external symbol

12/26/2008 01:36


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