| > I'm using WinHTTrack to try to download certain
> files from this site:
> <https://irecruitment.oracle.com/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?page>=
> /oracle/apps/irc/candidateSelfService/webui/AplJobSc
> hPG&_ri=821&SeededSearchFlag=N&OASF=IRC_APL_JOB_SEAR
> CH_PAGE&_ti=1964493120&oapc=35&OAMC=1053754_8_0&menu
> =Y&oaMenuLevel=1&oas=cAqVuSUOrRvzx9w0o2PZ0w..
That url returns "
You have insufficient privileges for the current operation. Please contact
your System Administrator."
That is an invalid url without corresponding cookies.
> Because the URL I'm plugging in isn't
> specific to locations selected, and I don't know
> where to tell HTTrack to expect to find the
> job-listing files I seek
If you don't know where they are httrack certainly doesn't know.
Most likely, you need to get to the page before your url. A search page. Use
the capture procedure and get the search results and cookies. | |