| > Hi, im a newbie clearly.
> I left everything pretty much on default except that
> I put
> this as the filter:
> +www.someweb.com/*.jpg
> Technically as I read and understood it should get
> all
> pictures in the whole site under that domain.
> What I don't get is, let's say a site has multiple
> pages 1-
> 2-3-4. It seems to only capture the first page.
> For example:
> www.bleh.com/pictures.php?set_id=1 < it will grab
> all
> pictures from this page.
> www.bleh.com/pictures.php?set_id=1&page=2 << but
> then it
> skips this one.
> Is there a reason? Or is there a way I can specify
> it to
> look for links and persue?
> Thanks to anyone who helps solve my problem.
ghghg | |