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Subject: Re: Serialize error in HTTRACK 3.43-4
Author: Vitamineb
Date: 05/24/2009 22:23
No, those files are created, but after com4_.jpg, no other files (like com5.jpg
that are on the server) are downloaded from the server.

And there are also other serialize errors with no reserved dos named files...

C:\My Web Sites\(...)\\images\telecom\com>dir
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is (...)

 Directory of C:\My Web Sites\(...)\\images\telecom\com

21/05/2009  15:42    <DIR>          .
21/05/2009  15:42    <DIR>          ..
17/10/2008  10:53            10.327 com1_.jpg
17/10/2008  10:53             9.053 com2_.jpg
17/10/2008  10:53             7.827 com3_.jpg
17/10/2008  10:53            10.114 com4_.jpg
               4 File(s)         37.321 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  17.890.918.400 bytes free

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Subject Author Date
Serialize error in HTTRACK 3.43-4

05/23/2009 01:30
Re: Serialize error in HTTRACK 3.43-4

05/23/2009 14:04
Re: Serialize error in HTTRACK 3.43-4

05/24/2009 18:05
Re: Serialize error in HTTRACK 3.43-4

05/24/2009 19:02
Re: Serialize error in HTTRACK 3.43-4

05/24/2009 22:23


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