| > I've noticed a bug in the cancel/resume feature.
There is no cancel/resume only Pause/Resume.
Once you cancel anything in the cache not already updated is lost. When you
Continue, everything after that point has to be redownloaded. 3.32 and
earlier versions didn't have that problem.
> Second bug I've discovered is related to the file
> download description panel (when you click on a
> downloading file). If you canceled download and are
> waiting for the running transfers to complete, if
> you have this panel open, it prevents the program
> from removing the last transfer forcing you to
> double cancel (and lose everything).
> Having both a pause button (which saves everything
> for next time while allowing the user to exit
> winhttrack) and a cancel button (which scrubs the
> transfer) would be nice to have.
The cancel button should write un-updated items to the cache so Continue will
function. The double cancel would not be necessary if the Skip buttons
functioned correctly. | |