> The onclick is probably irrelevent. The page url is:
> <http://www.alkmaar.nl/eCache/INT/21/811.html> but the
> links are in the form:
> <http://www.alkmaar.nl/smartsite.shtml?id=16424>
> unless you allow direction up or add filter
> +www.alkmaar.nl/* you won't get those links and
> won't get the pdf's either.
Yes I did that.
In order to prove that httrack just ignores the links with onclick="" I made a
very simple example with only a few lines. Please try the following command
httrack.exe <http://www.rjoldedubbelink.nl/testhttrack>
You'll see that 2 of the 4 links are followed but the two with onclick="" are
not. |