| > have now is that the files are saved with random 4
> characters while I would like it to have the
> original url address:
> www.site.com/forum/archive.php?id=1&page=1.html
> www.site.com/forum/archive.php?id=1&page=2.html
> www.site.com/forum/archive.php?id=1&page=3.html
> the target url itself is not HTML it's a php query.
You CAN NOT get php, cgi, sql, jsp, etc. from the public side of a web server.
Only html and related files. And you CAN NOT have query strings in filenames
on most OS.
You can rename the local html files to something like archive_Page_1.html via
User-defined structure - <http://httrack.kauler.com/help/User-defined_structure> | |