| > <http://usemycomputer.com/indeximages/women/Kelly.Brook/>
<http://usemycomputer.com/robots.txt> says (among other things:)
# Some bots are known to be trouble, particularly those
# designed to copy entire sites.
# Please obey robots.txt.
User-agent: HTTrack
Disallow: /
1) must disable robots.txt
> -*
Ok. you just want Kelly
> +*.jpg
The page with the image does not have ANY jpg links on it so this does
nothing. (the image is gotten via javascript)
> +*/Kelly.Brook/*
This allows the page with the image. Needed since it is above the starting
> +*usemycomputer.com/show.html?w=*
> +*&i=/indeximages/women/Kelly.Brook*
These two are redundant.
FAQ: javascript only partial support.
Final answer: can not be done. | |