| > /usr/bin/webhttrack(9401): cound not find any
> suitable browser
> i have epiphany installed, but not the full gnome
> desktop (I'm using openbox). Where is webhttrack
> looking for a browser? How can I set it to use
> epiphany?
Try this:
export BROWSER=/path/to/epiphany
Or patch the webhttrack shell script directly.
--- webhttrack.orig 2009-09-05 10:27:32.000000000 +0200
+++ webhttrack 2009-09-12 10:28:16.559100039 +0200
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Initializes the htsserver GUI frontend and launch the default browser
-SRCHBROWSEREXE="x-www-browser www-browser iceape mozilla firefox iceweasel
abrowser firebird galeon konqueror opera netscape"
+SRCHBROWSEREXE="x-www-browser www-browser iceape mozilla firefox iceweasel
abrowser firebird galeon konqueror opera netscape epiphany"
if test -n "${BROWSER}"; then
# sensible-browser will f up if BROWSER is not set
SRCHBROWSEREXE="xdg-open sensible-browser ${SRCHBROWSEREXE}"
| |