| I think I've found a bug with the '%H' option under
Linux. It appears that if the target directory as
specified by '-O' does not exist, the hts-ioinfo.txt
file does not get created and written to, and the http
header info goes missing. If the target directory does
exist, the file gets created / written to fine. The
presence of the target directory doesn't appear to
have an impact on the other logfiles (hts-
[err|info|stats].txt). I've tested this by using
identical startup arguments with the directory
existing and not existing, using v3.15 and 3.16-2. I'm
running on redhat v7.2, kernel 2.4.9-31.
Of course, if the '-O' target is meant to exist prior
to starting httrack, then its not a bug at all... can
you verify what should be going on here?thanks a lot, and my apologies for
adding a few
unnecessary posts (not to mention extra emails for the
subscribers) - a delete function on the forum sure
would be handy :)
Steve | |