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Author: William Roeder
Date: 11/06/2009 19:35
English translation: I put an input text file of about 15,000 URLs. All these
URLs are identical, with only a 6-digit code that changes the end of URLs. My
problem is this: after about 300 pages returned, I only have access to a
robots.txt file, but the pages I request are not returned.

> 18:40:11 Warning:  file not stored in cache due to bogus
> state (incomplete type):

Most likely you overloaded the site and crashed it. Or too many non-existent
urls too quickly triggered a denial of server attack and shutdown your IP

Try again with one connection, one connection per second.

Très probablement, vous surchargé le site et il s'est écrasé. Ou trop de
non-urls existant trop rapidement déclenché une attaque par déni de serveur
et l'arrêt votre adresse IP.

Essayez à nouveau avec une seule connexion, une connexion par seconde. 
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11/06/2009 18:45

11/06/2009 19:35


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