Subject: Re: png, jpg, css files not saved |
Author: William Roeder |
Date: 01/07/2010 02:15 |
| > httrack
> <> -O
> "/Volumes/DATA/filestore/httrack/iphone-3d-programmi
>" -s1
> "+**"
I don't use the CL but
1) the filter only allows what the default already does.
2) I think you need +"*.../*"
> However, I see the following for jpg, png and css
> files:
> /LookAt.png (0 bytes) - -5
> I added the s1 in case it was a server side
There is no SITE/robots.txt so I wouldn't expect any effect.
I ran WinHttrack with near option/non httrack browser id.
The log contains many errors of this type:
19:49:22 Debug: Final type for
19:49:22 Info: engine: save-name: local name: ->
19:49:22 Info: link not taken because of error (-5 'Error attempting to solve
statu') at
Xavier: note typo "statu'"
So I get the same result.
Tried setting a mime type jpg=image/jpeg
Then I started getting image (different hosts) so the near option is
Finally it hung on several html files, so the site probably has a anti-bot
throttle. You'll need to limit connection/sec=1 and b/s=2000
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