| > Settings:
> -qir10%e0C2%Ps2u1%s%uN0%I0p3DaK0c3H0%kf2A50000%f0#f
> e.g. file MinGWiki.html contains references
> <a class="" style="" href="/wiki/FAQ">FAQ</a> and
> <a class="" style="" href="/wiki/HOWTO">HOWTO</a>
> This should be href="FAQ.html" resp. "HOWTO.html"
> The files MinGWiki.html, FAQ.html and HOWTO.html are
> all located in the /wiki/ folder. The error happens
My guess, Httrack defaults to down only. but /wiki/FAQ is not down from
D *can only go down into subdirs
U can only go to upper directories
B can both go up&down into the directory structure
Replace p3DaK0 with p3BaK0
Replace | |