| > For example, I want to save:
> <>
> 01986-1992/DT125/2AJ%20%28ESP%29%201987%20%5B999%5D%
> 20272AJ-352S1/
The percent values are encoded for url transmission (%20 is a space)
So the 'real' url is:
<> 1986-1992/DT125/2AJ (ESP)
1987 [999] 272AJ-352S1/
Httrack will store it on disk but some characters may not valid depending on
the operating system.
> www.site.com/page/
> c:site\n
> c:site\\page.htm
> c:site\\page\\javascript.js
> c:site\\page\\image.jpg
When you download/update then you get only one copy of javascript.js no matter
how many times it is referenced on the site. If the file is located under
site/page/ then using option -> build -> local Structure=site structure will
give you what you want.
But if the file is located at site/js/javascript.js then you can't - you want
the site structure but not the site structure.
| |