| > <http://taylorpictures.net/thumbnails.php?album=305>
> -*.tmp -*.css -*.gif -*.png +*.jpg +*.jpeg
> -*/newgallerylay.jpg -*.js -*thumb_* -*normal_*
> -*.html -*/*html*
First -*.html and -*/*html* are equivalent.
Second you said don't get files ending in html but all the links are:
displayimage.php?album=305&pos=1 (php not html.) They only become html on your
Third, if you suppress php or all html links (-mime:text/html), then httrack
can not spider the site so can only get what is on THAT page.
Finally the link to the big image are this form: href="javascript:;"
class="navmenu_pic" onclick="blocking('picinfo','yes', 'block'); return
false;" title="Display/hide file information">INFO</a>
That is a form and httrack does not click on forms. So the best you can do is
remove the normal_ filter to get them.
Result -* +mime:text/html -thumb_* | |