| > I've set the start URL as
> <http://www.fwo.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx> (the home
> page), set the "asp,exe" MIME type to map to
> "text/html", and set the inclusion of any links that
> fit *.fwo.gov.au/* .
Don't tell us what you think you did, paste the command line (log file line
two) do we know exactly what you DID do.
Why would you override asp and exe. a showImage.exe?ID=x is probably not a
html page. Those are in case of a misconfigured server. And in any case there
are no asp images on the site (only aspx)
Your inclusion of +*.fwo.gov.au/* is needed, but not the reason you think. you
are starting at Pages/default but most of the links start at / (E.G.
/Fact-sheets-tools/Pages/default.aspx?role=employees) By default httrack goes
down only, so your override gets all links from that domain. You probably also
want any other files referenced from any domain (get non-html files=checked)
> But when I run the mirroring operation, it only
> creates an imageless copy of the front page, and
> returns a long list of errors that look like:
> 17:54:56 Error: "" (500) after 2 retries at link
> www.fwo.gov.au/Footer/Pages/Privacy.aspx (from
> www.fwo.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx)
500=server is down.
I got no errors when I tried.
As for missing images, always run with no external=checked so pages not
mirrored will give a warning page and missing images display a question mark.
Note some apparent links on the first page are not. It's a big form and
httrack doesn't mirror forms.
Note some images come back with errors from the css url(..) | |