| > In a site I'm attempting to mirror there's a couple
> of links to an external site
> (notesonphotographs.eastmanhouse.org), eg:
> [img class="tutorialimage" src="images/aacp.jpg"
> alt="" /][br /][b]Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico
> (contact print) [a
> href="../../../../notesonphotographs.eastmanhouse.or
> g/indexca0f.html?title=File:Moonrise_contact_print.j
> pg"][source][/a][/b]
Wrong. That is not an external link. it is a link to the directory named
> Max external depth: 0
If it were an external link, you said not to get it.
> Get non-html file related to a link: unchecked
> -*members/forum* -*logout.php* +*.gif +*.jpg +*.png
> +*.tif +*.bmp +*.zip +*.tar +*.tgz +*.gz +*.rar +*.z
You listed a bunch, but index.html isn't listed even though I'd guess it
returns a image. Drop all those and use the non-html=checked in case the image
is external to the site. | |