| > www.noah-scheider2.milupa-webchen.de/default.aspx?id
> =16069&cid=130637
> But the Programm did not copy the site. Which
> settings do I have to use to manage the download?
The url, above, contains: meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"
This is the secondary form of robots.txt.
Override robots.txt, use the near flag (get non-html related)
> The site is made by my wife and she is not happy
> that I am not able to save it;)
A mirror is not a copy, it is a static copy, a snap shot, a collection of
files. Forms or anything that requires a web sever will not work.
If you are the owner of the site, go through the private, not the public side
and save the files/DB. | |