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Subject: Re: some images path are wrong!
Author: William Roeder
Date: 07/08/2010 19:12
The problem is the links are in the form:
a href="offerta_didattica/index.htm" onMouseOver="return lightUp2('elMenu1',
I1ImageOn, event)" onMouseOut="return dimDown2('elMenu1',
stdoc/offerta_did1.gif does exist in the mirror.
The site's javascript (menu_array.js) has the following code:
 Menu1=new Array("rollover:/stdoc/offerta_did1.gif:/stdoc/
Those are absolute references which don't exist in a mirror.
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some images path are wrong!

07/08/2010 14:08
Re: some images path are wrong!

07/08/2010 19:12
Re: some images path are wrong!

07/09/2010 10:36


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