| > 10:42:47 Info: engine: warning: serialize error for
> www.sokolovelaw.com/legal-help/cerebral-palsy-and-bi
> rth-injuries/blog/tag/managing-a-special-needs-famil
> y/&type=wordpress2.8.6&wp=2.8.6/2009/11/319/2009
> /birth-injury/2009/12/2009/12/2009/12/2009/11/2009/1
> 2/2009/11/319/&type=wordpress2.8.6&wp=2.8.6 to
> C:/My Web Sites/slnoblog/sl no
> blog/www.sokolovelaw.com/legal-help/cerebral-palsy-a
> nd-birth-injuries/blog/tag/managing-a-special-needs-
> family/&type=wordpress2.8.6&wp=2.8.6/2009/11/319
> /2009/birth-injury/2009/12/2009/12/2009/12/2009/11/2
> 009/12/2009/11/319/&type=wordpress2.8.6&wp=2.8.6
> .tmp: open error: No such file or directory
> (directory does NOT exist!, file does not exist)
Httrack normally replaces bad characters in filenames with windows acceptable
ones. Possibly it doesn't properly do that with directory names. I'd suggest
trying local structure= web/xxx instead of site structure, to eliminate the
local directory names.
> 21:37:57 Warning: File not parsed, looks like
> binary:
I've seen this when
1) site doesn't like the browser ID (Not firefox, not MSIE) change from the
default httrack to one of the MSIE.
2) You've overloaded the site and crashed it. Reduce to one connection, one
connection/second. | |