| > But I found:
> <http://wiki.es.it-processmaps.com/index.php/Lista_d>
> e_control_-_AnĂ¡lisis_Financiero"
That's not a valid URL. URLs are only ascii 32-127 beyond that URLs must be
encoded per spec.
> is saved as:
> .../index.php/Lista_de_control_-_An%C3%A1lisis_Finan
> ciero.html
HTT properly encodes the URL when converting to the local structure.
> and the reference to the file is saved as the
> original:
> .../index.php/Lista_de_control_-_AnĂ¡lisis_Financiero
The file is saved properly, within the limits of the OS and settings.
> So it can not find the referenced file when browsing
> the downloaded site.
Your browser should take the encoded url and find the correct file. They don't
need to match exactly. | |