> links the lower half of the page pulls up what looks > to be a database. I am not sure if it is JAVA as I > am not familiar with it. 1) A Mirror is not a copy, it is a static snapshot. Forms will not work. There is not database. 2) Java is a program. HTT can not modify programs > url <https://subscribe.csa.ca> 3) Clicking on that link forwards to <https://subscribe.csa.ca/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/pcd!3aportal_content!2fcsa.CSA!2fcsa.iViews!2fcsa.csa_i_gatewayAnonAccess?guest_user=subuser> So you should have started there. 4) On the left is a log in form. You should have had HTT log in HTTrack Help: Authentication <http://httrack.kauler.com/help/Authentication> 5) HTT can not log in using a https link. Can't be done.
Alex S
William Roeder
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