HTTrack Website Copier
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Subject: Re: File dowloaded (gif) but not charged
Author: William Roeder
Date: 04/11/2011 13:43
> -qwr5%e0C2%P%s%u%I0p3DaK0H0%kf2A25000%f#f -F
> "Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)"
> -%F "<!-- Mirrored from %s%s by HTTrack Website
> Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2010], %s -->" -%l "it, en, *"
> <> -O1 "D:DocumentiSiti
> Salvatiprova" +*.css +*.gif +*.jpg +*.png +*.tif
> +*.bmp*.gif )
1) don't use filters like that. By default, HTT gets everything on the
starting site so the last filter does nothing. The others allow those
extensions from anywhere but you won't get things like url/getImage.php?ID=xx.
Use the near flag (get non-html related=checked)
2) The site has lots of javaScript files off site your filters will not get
those.  Use the near flag (get non-html related=checked)
3) Some sites don't like a HTT browser ID.
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Subject Author Date
File dowloaded (gif) but not charged

04/10/2011 11:22
Re: File dowloaded (gif) but not charged

04/10/2011 11:28
Re: File dowloaded (gif) but not charged

04/10/2011 14:46
Re: File dowloaded (gif) but not charged

04/10/2011 14:48
Re: File dowloaded (gif) but not charged

04/10/2011 22:18
Re: File dowloaded (gif) but not charged

04/11/2011 13:43
Re: File dowloaded (gif) but not charged

04/11/2011 15:20
Re: File dowloaded (gif) but not charged

04/11/2011 19:36
Re: File dowloaded (gif) but not charged

04/12/2011 12:12


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