An extract from the file transfer windows:
Host: <ftp://maisongray.no-ip.com:1337>
File: /music/chrono/cross/disc1/109-Singing%20Emotions.mp3
Name: F:/temp/PSX Soundtracks/maisongray.no-
ContentType: ch file or directory.
StatusCode: -1 (unknown status)
InternalStatus: 0 (ready)
StatusMessage: RETR command
errror: /music/Chrono/Cross/Disc1/"109-Singing
Emotions.mp3": No such file or directory.
HTTP/1.1: yes
ChunkMode: no
TestMode: no
HeadRequest: no
NotModified: no
WriteToDisk: no
LocalFile: no
Size: 0
TotalSize: 0
Noticed the error reported in the StatusMessage line ?ContentType is also
wrong, probably due to a bad pointer...
The URL of the page used:
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