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Subject: Re: non standard characters in filename
Author: Xavier Roche
Date: 05/07/2001 19:34
> I was trying to use WinHTTrack v3.01 to mirror a 
> which has the character '|' and ',' in its filename, 
> for e.g.
> /home/0,1837,1|7|1173|Content,00.html

Right - "|" is converted to ":" by HTTrack, because 
sometimes <file:///C|Program%20Files> has to be 
converted into <file:///C:Program> Files", for example.
Note that both "," and ":" should NOT be used in an 
URL, as it clearly violated RFC2616/RFC1945 standards:

"..other characters are excluded because gateways and 
other transport agents are known to sometimes modify 
such characters, or they are used as delimiters."

   unwise      = "{" | "}" | "|" | "\" | "^" | "[" 
| "]" | "`"

"..the conflicting data must be escaped before forming 
the URI"

      reserved    = ";" | "/" | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" 
| "=" | "+" |
                    "$" | ","

I will fix this problem in the next release*, however!

* the problem is located in htslib.c, line 2369 : this 
part has to be removed

    else if (s[i]=='|') {
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Subject Author Date
non standard characters in filename

05/07/2001 18:46
Re: non standard characters in filename

05/07/2001 19:34
Re: non standard characters in filename

05/08/2001 05:54
Re: non standard characters in filename

05/09/2001 13:00


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