| > What I was trying to do is what is explained in this
> HTTracks FAQ:
> <http://www.httrack.com/html/faq.html#QM11c>
HTTrack will convert all file:// links to relative ones.
what part of ALL didn't you understand.
> copied. But updating it will rewrite all files, even
> files that haven't been changed... and writing to an
> usbdisk can take a long time.
There's no way for it to know whether it's changed or not.
my solution only write to usb those files with newer time than what's on the
1) get touch.exe from <http://sourceforge.net/projects/unxutils/files/>
2) create a batch file to change the new file's timestamps to the original's
rem newDir origDIR
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion||pause
for %%F in (%1) do set new=%%~dpnF
for %%F in (%2) do set orig=%%~dpnF
for /R %%F in ("%new%\*) do (
touch -R !fileorg! !filenew!
3) xcopy /S /D newDIR USB:
for /R | |