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Subject: Re: Problems building on Suse 11 - zlib not found
Author: Willy
Date: 09/22/2011 11:13
Hi Xavier,

thanks again, this really helped me get httrack compiled and running :-) 

Attached you find my final setup and procedure. I include it there for
reference to others running into the same problem. It may not be the 'normal'
setup, however for me it keeps everything uncluttered.

Btw: I think that there is a typo in HTTrack's configure script: in line 14810
it should be "zlib_cv_zlib_h=no" instead of "zlib_cvs_zlib_h=no", right?

Final Setup & Prodcdure

I downloaded and unpacked zlib-1.2.5.tar.gz into $HOME/lib/zlib-1.2.5/lib,
changed to that directory and ran 'configure' and 'make' there. That produces and links it as . After that I copied all header files
(*.h) from that directory to $HOME/lib/zlib-1.2.5/include

Finally I changed to $HOME/bin/httrack-3.44.1 (results from unpacking
httrack-3.44.1.tar.gz in $HOME/bin), ran 'configure
--with-zlib=$HOME/lib/zlib-1.2.5' and 'make' there. That produces
$HOME/bin/httrack-3.44.1/src/httrack which is the executable file that I

|- lib
|  `- zlib-1.2.5
|     |- lib
|     |  |- configure
|     |  |- ->
|     |  |-
|     |  :
|      `- include
|        |- lib.h
|        :
`- bin
   `- httrack-3.44.1
      |- configure
      |- src
      :  |- httrack
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Subject Author Date
Problems building on Suse 11 - zlib not found

09/16/2011 19:39
Re: Problems building on Suse 11 - zlib not found

09/17/2011 10:58
Re: Problems building on Suse 11 - zlib not found

09/19/2011 12:28
Re: Problems building on Suse 11 - zlib not found

09/20/2011 19:47
Re: Problems building on Suse 11 - zlib not found

09/22/2011 11:13


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