> httrack.exe <http://www.phpcaptcha.org/download/>
> "-*" "+*.phpcaptcha.org/*.zip"
> "+*.phpcaptcha.org/download*/*" "-*.zip"
> "+*.zip*[<1200]" -O "V:htt_tempilesizetest"
First you enable some zips then disable all - first filter can be remove.
Must be a space between </> and number and must be quoted.
> >>> "-*.zip*[>1200]"
no space
> >>> "-*.zip" "+*.zip*[<1200]"
no space
> >>> "-*.zip" "+*.zip*[< 1200]"
> Creates some bogus folder named "1200]" and still
You initially forgot the quotes so you got a url of "1200]" and the shell
removed the < |