| First I want to thank you for taking the time to read my post. This is my first
on HTtrack Forums. Second I've reviewed the forum and could not find the
answers to my questions. I apologize if this is redundant.
I'm trying to image a media wiki site that is password protected. The site
consists of one link that points to dozens of internal links one of which has
attachments and no external links. It requires user name and password. Every
time I try to mirror the site, using dozens of variations of settings, I get
errors and either nothing collects or only the first link collects. Here are
some of the things I've tried. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
1. Create new case and configure web browser with TEMPORARY proxy settings
(Tried this in IE AND Mozilla)
<Links> Set "Get non-HTML Files..." option in 'Links' tab and tried without.
<Spider> Set follow robots.txt and tried "No robot.txt rules".
<Limits> Tried with 0 external or 3 or unset to search unlimited. Tried the
same for mirroring depth. Tried setting max size limit or leave unset.
<Scan Rules> Tried default. Tried adding the domain (e.g.
+www.domainname.com/*) Tried adding (e.g. -* +www.domainname.com/link1/*.
like I said I've tried a lot of things but I'm hoping that there is something
simple that I've missed to set me straight. Any assistance would be greatly
appreciated - I've been working on this mirror for 2 weeks now. :)
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