| First of all, httrack rocks!
I have noticed that some of the js files are damaged after httrack. In other
words, the content of original js file is not equal to the downloaded version.
I know about js parsing tryings, but the downloaded js file should not be
DAMAGED (it has incorrect js syntax after httrack)
To make things simple, i try to download ONE file using httrack like this:
httrack --quiet --mirror
--disable-security-limits -%N0 -%P0 --path "/var/www/tmp" --near -N1 -f
--robots=0 --replace-external --priority=7 --can-go-down
--stay-on-same-address --keep-links=0 --sockets=4 --keep-alive --retries=4
--max-rate=8000000 --advanced-maxlinks=999999 --user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad;
U; CPU OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko)"
--footer "" +*.png +*.gif +*.jpg +*.css +*.js -ad.doubleclick.net/*
-*jquery.com -*googleapis.com/* -*yandex.st/* -*gstatic.com/* -*google.com/*
-*jquery.com/* -*.avi -*.pdf -*.zip -*.rar -*.wmv -*.mpeg -*.mpg -*.mp3 -*.mp4
-*.tar -*.tar.gz --updatehack --urlhack
The file is just after '--mirror' option, it is a simple js file.
The result of httrack work is damaged js file. I copied the original js file
and httrack's file to quickdiff.com site, and the problems are like this:
n.push(' style="background-image:url(',a.getUrl(this.icon),');
n.push(' style="background-image:url('../%2ca.geturl(this.html),');
And so on.
I also see 404 Error according to this js file in the log file:
Error: "" (404) at link
It looks like problems with js parsing. Additional resources (parsed from js)
may be downloaded by httrack or not, but original file should not be broken
like this. Thank you for reading! If it is impossible to fix this, please tell
me how to turn off javascript parsing absolutely for some sites (haven't found
such option). | |