| My English is not so good so sorry if something will not be understand by you
on first reading :-) .
I try to download the complete german Wikipedia and first it seems to run. But
there are many Sites missing, by me, and so i want to start a new download
from the "all articles" site.
At first tests when i give a site like
<http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natriumhydroxid> as starting page with internal
depht of 3 (for test not so deep...) and external of 1 it's not a problem,
only time.
Now with starting page is <http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spezial:Alle_Seiten>
winhttrack copy only one site or the copy will be empty.
first i thought it could be the sign ":" but it isn't so because other sites,
starting with a theme, are no problem.
So what is the problem here that winhttrack can't "see" the links on that site
and follow them? | |