HTTrack Website Copier
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Author: William Roeder
Date: 06/10/2012 19:13
> when I try to backup for example this page
> <> ,
1) Always post the actual command line used (or log file line two) so we know
what you did, not what you think you did.
> all the images doesn´t
> get copied, which show only up if I point my mouse
> over these fields. In my chrome browser it´s quite
> simple: I rightclick on that highlighted picture and
> can easiely copy the images that httrack can´t
> handle with. 
What makes you think it can't handle it. Just because it didn't do it doesn't
mean it can't.
HTT is a spider robot, not a browser. The default is to stay on site only, and
to go down only.
The url of the load image is "img/b_load.png" and your starting page is
"extend/" img is not below extend so it didn't get it per YOUR settings.

> So is there a way  to copy for example
> the highlighted version of the "LOAD ?????"-Button
> in the bottom right corner automatically?2) If you want everything, use the
near flag (get non-html files related) so it gets everything no matter where
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06/10/2012 18:24

06/10/2012 19:13

06/10/2012 19:39


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