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Subject: Re: How do I back up sites that use ?page=x
Author: William Roeder
Date: 06/22/2012 14:43
> Hey.  I was wondering how one would back up
> PHP-based sites that are divided into sections,
> Hey.  I was wondering how one would back up
> PHP-based sites that are divided into sections,
A mirror is NOT a backup, it is a static snapshot in time. You can not get php
or any other server side code from the public side of a web server, only the
html output and referenced files.
If you want to back up your site, use the webmaster side.

> .  It looks to be
> PHP-based, and I use the following options, but
> HTTrack never seems to capture the second part.
PHP is irrelevant, you can only get html.
1) If you're just trying to mirror the site, drop the user defined structure
until after you get it working.
2) Some sites do not like a HTT browser ID. I only use msie 6 ID
> <*?page>=*
> <*?page>=*
> <*[]?page>=*
These are invalid URLs and are NOT filters (no +/-)
The default is to mirror all. Drop all your filters

> "C:\some_folder" +*.png +*.gif +*.jpg +*.css +*.js
4) You're using the near flag (get non-html) so those fiters do nothing

> .?=page*=text/html -%A php,php3,asp=text/html )
5) drop those assumptions. That is for trying to mirror a broken site and is
likely breaking your mirror.

> Does anyone have any suggestions?6) Always post the command line used (or
log file line two) so we know what you did, not what you think you did. WITH
the actual site url. There's no mind readers here.
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How do I back up sites that use ?page=x

06/22/2012 07:43
Re: How do I back up sites that use ?page=x

06/22/2012 14:43
Re: How do I back up sites that use ?page=x

06/23/2012 23:00
Re: How do I back up sites that use ?page=x

06/24/2012 15:53
Re: How do I back up sites that use ?page=x

06/27/2012 06:10
Re: How do I back up sites that use ?page=x

06/27/2012 19:03
Re: How do I back up sites that use ?page=x

07/01/2012 08:36
Re: How do I back up sites that use ?page=x

07/01/2012 14:44


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