| Originally, this was going to be a "Please help me!" post, but I figured out my
issue while I was working on it (isn't that how it always works in the end?).
Hopefully this will help someone:
Hello, I have been working at this for the past 3 days on and off. I am trying
to archive a few pages of technical materials from <https://dtt.dell.com>.
*Please understand that I have every right to do this and the materials are
usually provided for me in a zip format to download and save as a complete
website archive. However, there are some older training materials that weren't
archived into a offline website for download in a *.zip.
If you visit the page, you will see that it uses HTTPS and active server
pages. In fact, every page within the site that I am trying to archive is an
I am using WinHTTrack 3.46 on Windows 7 x64.
IPv6 is disabled - because at first I was trying to use form based capture
with the built in proxy redirect in WinHTTrack. Obviously this won't work with
HTTPS as I found.
Now, on to what I have done:
1. I have tried capturing the form data for the login. This doesn't work with
HTTPS as I read in many threads and tried to make it work many times.
2. I have tried using the HTTP authentication method like so:
<https://user:pass@dtt.dell.com/ifr/eql_upskill/index.asp> - My thoughts were
that this was worth a try because if I log out of the website, and then place
a URL that points to a specific page within the dtt.dell.com website, it will
automatically redirect me to the main page to log in and then redirect me to
the page I wanted to go to. For example:
<https://dtt.dell.com/ifr/eql_upskill/index.asp> would then redirect me to
and after putting in my user/pass, I would be redirected to the page I wanted
to go to. Obviously this doesn't work because of the form based log in on an
3. I tried changing my browser ID to that of Firefox 14 (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows
NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:14.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/14.0.1) and then visited and
logged into the dtt.dell.com website with Firefox 14 and saved my cookies. I
tried to copy them into the cookies.txt file for WinHTTrack but may have
messed up the cookie format. The format of a firefox cookie is different than
that of a netscape cookie.
I used MozillaCookiesView from <http://www.nirsoft.net/> and exported my cookies
to a text file. I tried to place the values of my exported cookies from
Firefox into the HTTrack cookies.txt file for this project but I obviously
didn't match them up right because I was still getting redirected to the
dtt.dell.com login page every time.
4. I installed many other website copier applications for Windows and tried
them all with no luck until I came upon MetaProducts Offline Explorer Pro 6.3.
Offline Explorer Pro has a built in browser and I was able to use it to go to
the dtt.dell.com website and log in. After logging in I was able to go to the
training materials I wanted to back up and tell the software to create an
offline copy of the page and all contents related to the material I wanted.
This all worked well and fine, however, the software does require a $150
license to be fully functional and I would pay it.. but I found a reason that
cleared my confusion up with why I wasn't able to get WinHTTrack to do the
same thing as this software was doing.
5. Realizing that the cookies and session ID values etc were what was holding
me back, I attempted to get WinHTTrack working again. The thing that made me
realize this was the I saw what the referenced "includes" were for my project
in Offline Explorer. They looked like this for one of the pages I wanted:
__utmb=266679131.2.10.1346011525; GAAnon=f7875f88-4704-49aa-ba8e-3cd0a2e7aa61;
search_bn=us|gen|SearchBaynoteEnabled.1; eds=q0mxeo1s0ptshwnp1fewoe2i;
So, seeing this and realizing that the MozillaCookiesView software from
<http://www.nirsoft.net/> wasn't showing me all of the cookie info I needed (and
not in Netscape format either) I looked for another piece of software or a
plugin to replace its' role. I found Export Cookies v1.2 for Firefox:
<https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/export-cookies/> and installed
it. I cleared all of my cached data, history, cookies, etc, and went back to
the dtt.dell.com website and logged in, then went to my material I needed. I
exported my cookies using the Export Cookies plugin successfully. This plugin
exports them in Netscape format, so I would be able to simply copy and paste
them into the HTTrack cookies.txt file.
6. Now that I had my cookies, I re-created the project I was attempting to use
in WinHTTrack to archive my training materials. I copied my cookie data into
the corresponding cookies.txt file for my project and set everything up as I
saw it fit. Keep in mind that I set my browser ID to that of Firefox 14 once
again. I'm not sure if this makes any difference but I felt it would be a good
idea. I began my download session in HTTrack and everything began processing
Here are some of the threads I searched and referenced before I ended up
finding my own fix:
Authentication FAQ - <http://httrack.kauler.com/help/Authentication>
Cookies FAQ - <http://httrack.kauler.com/help/Cookies>
CatchURL Tutorial - <http://httrack.kauler.com/help/CatchURL_tutorial>
Can't copy ASP site - <http://forum.httrack.com/readmsg/29269/index.html>
https/SSL and username/password -
CMS on HTTPS? - <http://forum.httrack.com/readmsg/24702/index.html>
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