| Hello
I try to download a couple of large topics from a website: 98 pages with each
15 posts. Most of it works now. I get only the topic I want and I can remove
most of the redundant pages.
I have still one problem. I dont get all the photos. And this is not
E.g. the topic in the logfile below (859):
Page 1 no photos
Page 2-4 photos.
Another topic (214)
6 pages, no photos at all
Big topic (1179)
98 pages. Looked on a couple of pages: only on page 2 are the photos.
So I cannot see any logic in it. Does someone has suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
HTTrack3.47+htsswf+htsjava launched on Sun, 26 May 2013 15:34:45 at
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"D:\Racehelden van weleer\Test Book"
-http://www.deraceheldenvanweleer.nl/index.php/topic,859.*msg*.html )
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HTTrack Website Copier/3.47 mirror complete in 18 seconds : 13 links scanned,
12 files written (578084 bytes overall) [97811 bytes received at 5433
bytes/sec], 578893 bytes transfered using HTTP compression in 13 files, ratio
15%, 1.0 requests per connection
(No errors, 0 warnings, 0 messages)
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