| Hi, I've been trying to download this site
(http://pesdb.net/pes2013/index.php?sort=Overall_rating&order=d), at first
with default options, but it did only show the first page and when I clicked
on some links appeared a blank page with <<please do not flood the site>>, so
i tried several times with changed options (no robots.txt rules, limited
connections/seconds, and some more) unsuccessfully. I searched for older
entries on the forum but none of the previous solutions worked. The log file
says: (webhttrack -q -%i -w
<http://pesdb.net/pes2013/index.php?sort=Overall_rating&order=d> -O
"/home/lorenzo/websites/qqq" -n -%P -N0 -s0 -p7 -D -a -K0 -c2 -%k -A25000 -%c2
-F "Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)" -%F "<!-- Mirrored
from %s%s by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2008], %s -->" +*.png +*.gif
+*.jpg +*.css +*.js -ad.doubleclick.net/* -*.com -%s -%u )
2 errors, Error: "Not Found" (404) at link pesdb.net/pes2013/- (from
pesdb.net/pes2013/contact.php) and Error: "" (404) at link pesdb.net/pes2013/-
(from pesdb.net/pes2013/contact.php). | |