| > The design of httrack.com is getting a little old /
> absolete. I think it would be great idea to redesign
> this website using modern web designing framework
> like Twitter Bootstrap. It would be modern,
> responsive web design which would definitely improve
> user experience and usability.
Yes, the site would probably need a bit of refreshing - even if the biggest
work should probably be done on the Windows GUI side (which is really plain
ugly, I must admit!)
However a large part of the site is generated through PHP scripts, and I'm
afraid the redesign would be kind of costly in time and maintenance, because
basically all scripts would have to be rewritten somehow.
Besides, the redesign would be more than cleaning up the site - the WinHTTrack
GUI logos, the Android logos, etc. would have to be changed, too, and this is
kind of work!
Therefore, I am a bit skeptical currently on the opportunity to do that - I
tend to focus on fixing bugs and cleaning up the code (which is really old,
and really needs urgent maintenance cleanup, including for security reasons)
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